Abundant News

Abundant Solutions – Business Bootcamp – Day 3

Day 3 Blogs, Posts and Articles

After a lovely ‘well deserved’ day off yesterday it was back to work today – and its not been a particularly easy day.

Day 3 of our Abundant Solutions Business Bootcamp was about developing and writing Blogs, Forum Posts and website Articles. To be honest this is not the easiest of areas for either Paula or myself, in fact this very subject was recently discussed as one of the topics in a Link4Growth boardroom, where I decided that I was going to work with Chris Bown to help me get started on this.

However, needs must and this was our area of focus for today. It started well with establishing that Audioboo was the best tool for us to use for Audio Podcasts that can be easily twitted out or included with a blog article. Check out the blog that I sent this morning after we had set up the relevant accounts.

On day one of our Business Bootcamp we had identified 6 key topics that we were going to develop content for our website and this morning we discussed who was going to write about what. This is were we hit a bit of a wall – we spent more time talking about what we should be doing, rather than getting on and doing it! Eventually, and I do mean eventually we came to the conclusion that we just need to get on and do. So, I took one topic and Paula took another.

For my part, once I had a structure to work to, I got started and managed to write 1,000 words without too much difficulty – receiving the ‘constructive feedback’ from Paula was not quite as easy! For Paula’s contents she took a different approach and decided to write 3 short pieces 1) blog contents for our website, 2) Forum post for discussion and 3) Top Tip to be included on our website under the new heading of ‘Abundant Ideas” (Another action a which came from a Link4Growth Boardroom). All this content will be published over the next few days.

At the end of a long day we went for a walk along the seafront and reflected on what we found to be quite a tough day. Its easy to beat yourself up when things are not as easy as you would like them to be, however a beer and sangria managed to put things into perspective and it now seems all ok. We are now off out for something to eat…and looking forward to another day in the Abundant Solutions Business Bootcamp tomorrow….


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