Abundant News

What is the Virtual Management Board about?

The aim of the VMB is to inspire Business Owners and enable you to take their business to the next level.
Create an action plan aligned to your goals – review and refine regularly to ensure your actions reflects your desired direction.
Benefit from experience of trusted peers and learn from the collective wisdom and experience of VMB members.
Being held accountable for the progress made is an important aspect of the VMB
Membership of the Board will provide:-
  • Full Day Workshop with up to 8 business owners to Inspire you, focus on your business and develop your 12 month action plan
  • Quarterly Half Day Board Meetings to discuss progress against your  own action plan, discuss specific challenges and to agree your goals for the next Quarter
  • Monthly Accountability Calls keep you focused upon delivering upon your agreed actions.
  • 24/7 Online – stay in touch via an exclusive online forum
Tags: Abundant News
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